The Dangers of Public Wi-Fi
TODO ?>Public Wi-Fi is convenient, and oftentimes free. It’s prevalent, too, and is available in many frequently-visited locations around the world. What you need to be aware of is that with these convenient public Wi-Fi networks come great risks! When using these networks, you may be at risk of snoopers and hacks stealing your information. The Wi-Fi provider may also be collecting data about you to use to make money or target ads.
What is an unsecured Wi-Fi Network?
An unsecured Wi-Fi network is any network that does not require you to enter a password or login credentials to use the network. These networks can be offered by a business or in public places, such as coffee shops, airports or shopping malls. According to one estimate, there are over 100,000 unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspots around the world. Home Wi-Fi networks can also be unsecured if the owner chooses to leave the network open.
What information is at risk if you use an unsecured Wi-Fi network?
- Your IP address
- Your location
- The websites you visit
- Your personal communications, such as emails and chats
- Files you send
- Your passwords and other sensitive information
How does a VPN help?
A VPN encrypts your Internet connection to secure it and protect your privacy. When connecting with a VPN, no one – not the ISP, the business/network owner nor any third-party hacker or snoop – can see the information you send over the network. When using a Wi-Fi network with a VPN, your privacy and security is protected at all times. Protect your privacy on unsecured Wi-Fi with VyprVPN: get VyprVPN now.
Learn More
- Learn more about the dangers of Public Wi-Fi
- Read articles from the Huffington Post and GFI