New! Mimo Beta v0.2.1 and Mimo Changelog
TODO ?>Golden Frog is excited to release Mimo Beta v0.2.1 for Giganews Diamond members. The Golden Frog Dev team has fixed many known and reported bugs in the new download engine resulting in increased stability and speed.
The biggest change in v0.2.1 Beta is how Mimo processes and stores Usenet headers for newsgroups. Below are some the major improvements:
- Increased header download speed resulting in improved speed with browsing newsgroups
- Initial group population is four times faster
- Fixed several hangs and download errors
- Improved image handling and header retrieval
- Fixed several connectivity and startup issues
To give you easy access to what’s changed with each release we added a Mimo Usenet Browser Changelog. For a detailed list of latest improvements, please visit the Mimo Usenet Browser Changelog.
In closing, we would like to thank everyone who reported bugs. Your feedback, good or bad, impacts the Mimo development in many ways. Thank you!
Golden Frog Dev Team