Our Commitment to China
TODO ?>The quest for a free and open Internet is a never-ending fight in modern China. The Great Firewall has been tenacious and active against VPN providers in recent months, becoming more aggressive than ever as internal tensions have put the Chinese government on edge about controlling the flow of information into their country.
It is uncertain if this is the new normal or if the Chinese government’s attacks will level off at any point, but it is evident that the Chinese have invested themselves in developing complex technology aimed at thwarting the ability to connect to the Internet outside of Chinese sanctioned networks. At the moment the Chinese authorities are enjoying some frustrating successes against VPN providers with their dynamic new strategy for obstructing the ability to connect to unauthorized servers. We are determined to combat censorship, we remain true to our mission of providing Chinese citizens with a free and open Internet.
But to complete our mission successfully, we need to adjust our approach and innovate our technological solutions to equip the Chinese market with the tools to do battle with the new and improved Great Firewall.
Therefore, we are deploying a team of engineers to develop new technologies designed to defeat the specific censorship challenges posed by the Great Firewall. We are optimistic about the efforts of our engineers and are already experiencing some limited success in restoring connections out of China. We are positive that within a few weeks we will be able to troubleshoot VyprVPN’s connection issues and provide a reliable and stable service to our users in China.
We will keep the public posted on all of our progress as we regroup, rebuild and advance a new chapter in our mission to keep the Internet free and open.