In the News
You’re Invited to our “Take Back Your Internet” Panel and Party at SXSW 2015
TODO ?>There’s a lot going on with the Internet these days: FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler has outlined his plan, the FCC will vote next week, the major ISPs have promised to fight the ruling in the courts, and the Republicans are trying to get their act together to limit the FCC’s power.
That’s a lot to digest, and that’s what we’ll tackle during Golden Frog’s 3rd annual “Take Back Your Internet” panel discussion and networking party during SXSW. Our panel will focus on all the issues, challenges and loopholes regarding Net Neutrality and the Open Internet. We’ve assembled a fantastic group:
PANEL TOPIC: ” Is Net Neutrality Really Open Internet?”
- Marvin Ammori, Ammori Group
- Chip Pickering, CEO of Comptel
- Edward Henigin, CTO of Data Foundry
- Gigi Sohn, Special Council for External Affairs, FCC
- James Waterworth, vice president of CCIA Europe
The panel will be followed by music and networking with your peers. We hope you can join us. RSVP For the event here: /sxsw2015
WHAT: Take Back Your Internet Party – 2015
WHEN: Monday, March 16, 6pm -12am
WHERE: The Palm Door, Palm Door on Sixth Street, 508 Old Pecan Street, Austin, TX
6 – 7:00pm Doors Open and Networking
7 – 8:30pm Expert Panel on Open Internet
8:30pm – 12am Music, Party, Networking
We hope you can join us. RSVP For the event here: /sxsw2015
COST: No cost to you – just RSVP for the event while tickets last
(Note: This is an unofficial SXSW event, and a badge is not required to attend.)
If you are in town, the event is free and doesn’t require a SXSW badge. Our space is limited, so please don’t delay in RSVPing. We hope you’ll join us.